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I just like to say that during my encounter with Coach Kelli I have gain confidence in myself.  Before now, I was fearful of speaking before a congregation but being encouraged by Coach and supporters from the group have really boost my morale.  Being a part of this group is the greatest thing that could had ever happened to me.  I would recommend her to anyone who needs support in fulfilling their goal, she will be there for you every step of the way.  If you have questions or issues concerning your goals she will assist.  If you really want a life change try Coach.

~Sylvia, Private Mastermind Facebook Group

Hey Coach I just wanted to say for my testimony through this group I have learned that Yes or no are complete sentences so they don’t need an explanation 😂 😂. But seriously that it’s ok to put yourself first though and not feel bad about it. I have been doing better at staying true to myself and focusing more on what I need in order to commit to living my best life. This group has helped me grow and I’m glad to be apart of it. 

~Ariel, Private Mastermind Facebook Group

Coach Kelli and I met at a brunch through a mutual friend. We instantly connected. I told her I wanted to be part of her FB group. A couple of days later she added me. When I get a chance, I tune in weekly to to either watch her daily videos or jump on the group call. Each time I joined the call her message was right on time. She is all about helping you to become a better you. ” 


~Zeta, Private Mastermind Facebook Group

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